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We have lots of unit mascots at Rainbows. We have...
- Rainbow Rabbit
- Rainbow Ted
- Ollie, the Octopus
- Lily, the Lobster
- Rosa, the frog
- Millie, the caterpillar
- Kira, the white rabbit
Each mascot has a special job to do at Rainbows, for example Ollie the Octopus has eight different colour legs and helps us to learn the 8-points and Kira helps us in our Rainbow chat, we pass her around the circle and tell Kira all our news.

Virtual Mascots
We hope to have a virtual mascot very soon so that she can visit other units on the web.

Please visit us!
If you have a virtual mascot we would love for you to visit us. If your mascot would like to come for a holiday with us please email us.