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Activities this term

Activities this term
We have had a really busy term. We have had lots of rehearsals for our Annual Show, we have worked on challenges, looked at Rainbows around the world for Thinking Day, we looked at the Chinese New Year, we have done some cooking and also had enough time for making crafts, playing games, singing songs and lots more!

Rainbows around the world
We looked at Rainbows in different countries. We found out that there are Gumnuts in Australia, Beavers in Holland, Daisies in America and Sunflowers in Mexico.
Thinking Day 2002
We did lots of things for Thinking Day. We had a party at Rainbows and made world badge biscuits. We wore our Rainbow uniforms to school on Thinking Day and some of us had our photograph in the local paper. We also went to our Division Thinking Day service and we sang 'Look into the future' in front of everybody!
Chinese New Year
We learnt all about the Chinese New Year and heard a story about Naan. We made our own chinese dragons.
We love cooking at Rainbows. This term we made yummy jam tarts. We had to learn how to use a set of scales to measure things - then we measured all the ingredients. We made the pastry all by ourselves and it stuck to our fingers! We had to put floor on the table to we could roll out the pastry with a rolling pin. Then we cut circles out of the pastry and put them in the trays. Then we filled them with jam and Sunshine put the trays in the oven for us. We made 2 jam tarts each and we were allowed to take them home..but some of them were eaten before we got out of the hall!