Parents Page
Parents Page
This page is designed to cut down on the amount of letters that are sent home each week. Please visit this page every week or you might miss out on important information or changes!
Annual Show
First of all a big thanks has to go to the Rainbows and Brownies for all the hard work they have put into rehearsals for the show. Thanks to all parents and relatives who came along to the show and supported us. Last but by no means least, thanks to all Guiders and Young Leaders involved in the show. |
Special thanks to all aprents who helped with the refreshments during the interval and donated home-baking or prizes for the raffle.
New Term
Our new term will begin on Saturday 13th April at the usual time. Happy Easter to all! |
Please remember that term fees will be due when we start back on 13th April.
If you have any queries please visit our contacts page.