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Special Badges

Special badges
Sometimes we get the chance to work on special badges and this year we have lots to choose from. Have a look what we are doing...

Adventure Out!
Adventure Out! has 8 different sections - Air, Earth, Fire, Water, On the move, Horizons, Shelter and Sport. We are trying to do all eight! So far we have done...Fire - we looked at the festival of Diwali, Sport - we had a beehive sports meeting, Horizons - we looked at the Chinese New Year, On the move - we did a penny hike, Shelter - we went for a walk down the woods and had a treasure hunt and a scavenger hunt.
Guide Friendship Fund
we all bought one of these badges because 20p from the sale of every badge was donated to the Guide Friendship Fund.
Golden Jubilee
In June we will be having a get-together with all the other Rainbow Units in the Division to celebrate the Golden Jubilee. We will be able to wear this badge on our tabard.
Commonwealth Games
To celebrate the Commonwealth Games there is a 'Spirit of Friendship' badge for us to work on. Once we have completed the activities for this badge we will let you know what we have done.